
BOJ Council Members Comments and Revaluation of Regional Bank Stocks, China Economic Indicators(September 4th, 2023)


In the U.S., Federal Reserve Board (FRB) officials are active in making diverse statements, with the exception of certain periods (blackout periods) when the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting is approaching. Opinions at both extremes are often expressed. It can be said that this helps to ensure that market participants’ views are not biased. Is the BOJ getting closer to the Fed these days?

 On August 30, BOJ Council Member Tamura said that “lifting the negative interest rate is one of the options” if the Bank of Japan can foresee the sustainable and stable realization of the 2% price target, and he went on to say that the timing of the policy revision will be “around January to March next year” and that the 2% price target “is now clearly in sight. The 2% price target “is now clearly in sight,” he said. In contrast, Council Member Nakamura stated on 8/31 that he was “not yet in a position to have confidence” in the achievement of the 2% price target. He had voted against the BOJ’s decision in July to make the operation of the Bank of Japan’s long-term and short-term interest rate operations more flexible.

 Under Governor Ueda, long-term interest rates have become more easily determined by market supply and demand, and at the same time, the characters of those who speak at central bank policy meetings may have stood out and attracted the attention of market participants in some respects. And the fact that some parties, such as Council Member Tamura, are already thinking that the lifting of negative interest rates may be closer than expected suggests, in part, that investments in bank stocks in particular cannot be ignored.

 In the June 26, 2023 issue of Investment Strategy Weekly, page 2, “Regional Bank Groups in Regions Where Real Demand is Moving,” It is noted that Kyushu Financial G (7180) has a strong presence on Kumamoto Prefecture, where Taiwan’s TSMC, a semiconductor contract manufacturer, is building a plant,  and Hirogin HDS(7337)has a strong presence on Hiroshima Prefecture  where the world leader in semiconductor memory, Micron Technology plans to expand its plant, and Hokuhoku Financial G (8337) also has high market share in Hokkaido, where domestic capital campany, Rapidus,  aims to produce cutting-edge semiconductors. These regional banks showed that their share prices have risen more since the beginning of the year than those of the top megabanks and other regional banks in terms of total assets.

On the other hand, in comparison to the closing price at the end of August against the 2015 highs, the three megabank groups have outperformed all but Mizuho Financial G (8411), while Kyushu Financial G and Hokuhoku Financial G are at share price levels that are down about 25% and 58%, respectively.

 As for China risks, the National Bureau of Statistics released its August 31 manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) at 49.7 for August, falling below 50, the borderline between expansion and contraction, for the fifth consecutive month, but production and new orders were above 50, indicating some aspects of sentiment are coming out of their worst phase. The PMI for China’s manufacturing sector (mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises) for August, released by Zaisin and S&P Global on September 1, also showed signs of recovery, with the PMI reading at 51.0, exceeding 50 for the first time in two months. The emergence of economic risk in China could lead to a sell-off of U.S. government bonds to defend the yuan, a problem that the Biden administration cannot afford to overlook.


  1. 上場有価証券等のお取引の手数料は、国内株式の場合は約定代金に対して上限1.265%(消費税込)(ただし、最低手数料2,200円(消費税込)、外国取引の場合は円換算後の現地約定代金(円換算後の現地約定代金とは、現地における約定代金を当社が定める適用為替レートにより円に換算した金額をいいます。)の最大1.10%(消費税込)(ただし、対面販売の場合、3,300円に満たない場合は3,300円、コールセンターの場合、1,980円に満たない場合は1,980円)となります。
  2. 上場有価証券等は、株式相場、金利水準等の変動による市場リスク、発行者等の業務や財産の状況等に変化が生じた場合の信用リスク、外国証券である場合には為替変動リスク等により損失が生じるおそれがあります。また新株予約権等が付された金融商品については、これらの権利を行使できる期間の制限等があります。
  3. 国内金融商品取引所もしくは店頭市場への上場が行われず、また国内において公募、売出しが行われていない外国株式等については、我が国の金融商品取引法に基づいた発行者による企業内容の開示は行われていません。
  4. 金融商品ごとに手数料等及びリスクは異なりますので、お取引に際しては、当該商品等の契約締結前交付書面や目論見書又はお客様向け資料をよくお読みください。


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  2. 実際の投資にあたっては、お客様ご自身の責任と判断においてお願いいたします。
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笹木和弘プロフィール笹木 和弘
証券会社にて、営業、トレーディング業務、海外市場に直結した先物取引や外国株取引のシステム開発・運営などに従事。その後は個人投資家や投資セミナー講師として活躍。2019年1月にフィリップ証券入社後は、米国・アセアン・日本市場にまたがり、ストラテジーからマクロ経済、個別銘柄、コモディティまで多岐にわたる分野でのレポート執筆などに精力的に従事。公益社団法人 日本証券アナリスト協会検定会員、国際公認投資アナリスト(CIIA®)。


